All Commission meetings are open to the public with an opportunity for public comment. Unless otherwise noted, Full Board and Committee meetings are held at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room on the 9th floor of the County Administration Building. Upcoming meeting dates and times can be found at or verified by contacting the office at (586) 469-5125.
Chair: Commissioner Phil Kraft
Vice Chair: Commissioner Antoinette Wallace
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of matters relating to: budget, quarterly reports and annual budget review process; Retirement Commission; Treasurer’s Office; Finance (including Equalization and Risk Management); purchasing policies and procedures (Charter Section 8.10); hiring an independent certified public accountant to conduct annual independent audits as required by law and to conduct other audits as determined necessary, subject to the appropriations in the County’s annual budget for such purpose (Charter Section 8.3).
Chair: Commissioner Harold Haugh
Vice Chair: Commissioner Lisa Wojno
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of matters relating to: codification of ordinances; preservation and indexing of resolutions (Charter Section 4.7); Board of Commissioners Rules; office operations; independent counsel; legislative activities; Boards and Commissions appointments; Ethics Board; Corporation Counsel; Executive Office; Human Resources and Labor Relations.
Chair: Commissioner Sarah Lucido
Vice Chair: Commissioner Barbara Zinner
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of matters relating to: Animal Control; Community Mental Health; Department of Human Services; Health and Community Services (including Health Department, Macomb Community Action, MSU Extension and Medical Examiner); Martha T. Berry Medical Care Facility; Veteran Services.
Chair: Commissioner Don VanSyckel
Vice Chair: Commissioner Sylvia Grot
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of appropriate matters relating to: Facilities and Operations, Information Technology, Capital Improvement Plan.
Chair: Commissioner James M. Perna
Vice Chair: Commissioner Ken Goike
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of appropriate matters relating to: regional affairs; Michigan/St. Clair Employment Training Agency (Michigan Works); Parks and Recreation; Planning and Economic Development; Public Works; Roads.
Chair: Commissioner Joseph V. Romano
Vice Chair: Commissioner Michael Howard
Committee of the Whole
Responsibilities include oversight of appropriate matters relating to: Clerk/ Register of Deeds; Community Corrections; Courts including Circuit, District and Probate; Emergency Management; Friend of the Court; Juvenile Justice Center; Prosecutor’s Office; Sheriff’s Office.
Chair: Commissioner Barbara Zinner
Vice Chair: Commissioner James M. Perna
Advisory committee to the Macomb County Board of Commissioners comprised of older adults designated to serve by commissioners and representing each Commission district as well as including up to four at-large-members. The committee meets on a regular basis and its purpose is to learn and inquire about challenges, trends, concerns and opportunities affecting older adults in the County and to communicate with the Commissioners what is learned.
Agendas, minutes and video recordings can be accessed online by clicking the link below!
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